Project Description

Case Study – Connect 2 Cleanrooms
Connect 2 Cleanrooms came to us after a long period of downtime following the Covid-19 Pandemic which brought many live events to a halt. Despite this Connect 2 Cleanrooms were still experiencing positive growth due to the medical and manufacturing applications of their Clean Rooms and other associated products. As a result of live events being permitted again, they came to us to bring a fresh new look to their stands ranging in size from 3×3 to 7×3 in the UK and Europe.
“Thank you to the Willow Team for providing Connect 2 Cleanrooms with another amazing stand, highly recommended.”
– Marketing Manager, Connect 2 Cleanrooms

About the stand
To achieve this, we created a stand design that was bright, clean, and inviting. The main requirement for the design was that it should be adaptable allowing the size to scale up or down depending on the stand size or venue. The main focus of the stand was to communicate the wide range of products and services connect 2 cleanrooms offer, most of which are too large to display physically meaning other display methods were required. We delivered this by installing large format printed graphics, illuminated light boxes, and TV screens across the majority of the available wall space of the stands. The rich colours, bright lights, white floor, and contemporary furniture gave this stand a really clean, premium look and feel.
In addition to the requirement to display products, the client needed a storeroom and meeting area. Despite the stands ranging in size, most stands required a storeroom to house employees’ personal belongings, store refrigerated refreshments, store marketing materials and literature and charge electrical devices. The meeting area we created was utilised for casual meetings and chatting with new and existing clients meaning that there wasn’t a requirement for it to be private from the rest of the stand.
One key obstacle we had to overcome with this project was to transport and install the stand to Europe under stricter Covid-19 entry requirements and Brexit-related legislation than pre-pandemic. However, we completed this project without a single hitch due to the levels of planning and consideration our in-house operations team completed! This project and the subsequent European projects we were involved in following means we are now back to business as usual delivering excellent stands across Europe.
The exhibition plan